It is said that the Earth is currently in the Information Age and that it’s greatest triggers are the inventions of the computer and after that, the Internet. But there is one clear fact: The Worlds future generations are in the hands of something found in many of our back pockets. Siri. So, what do I mean by this? How has Artificial Intelligence entered our daily lives and most importantly, where will it take us?

Artificial Intelligence, as you can guess from the name is artificially created “Smart” hardware and software. Before the first AI Systems started appearing across the earth, causing wonder, they existed in the world of film. Basically, mankind dreamed and it became a reality.

The first robots to be shown to have artificial intelligence in film are Tim from the Wizard of Oz and the half human, half robot Maria from Metropolis. The first person to come up with the theory that these kinds of machines could exist was Alan Turing and to this day, AI is tested by the “Turing Test” developed by the man himself in the 1950s.

Five years after this, “Logic Theorist”, which is regarded as the first AI by many people was created. This programme could mime basic movements. A year later, when “Logic Theorist” was presented at the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence (DSRPAI) conference, people agreed on one thing: Artificial Intelligence was a dream becoming a reality.

Many AI’s were developed after this first programme. The thing that paved the way for this to happen was, of course, the rapid development of computers. This developing technology allowed for “smarter” and more “human” machines to appear. Today, one of the biggest companies to work on AI is Google and in fact, the first AI to past the previously mentioned “Turing Test” was the “Google IO”.

So, how does AI work? Many different areas and side branches are involved in the development of Artificial Intelligence. Generally, a graphics processor strong enough to keep up with very big computer processes, high-level algorithms that can quickly perceive and scan many statistics and an artificial nervous system used to react to outside factors. There are many other areas of course but these are the most basic ones.

AI’s with such complex systems have many advantages, basically, it can be worth spending large amounts of money on. Their biggest advantage for us is that since they have a certain level of intelligence, we humans don’t have to decide on every little thing, AI is already capable of doing that. Also unlike humans, AI is capable of working 24/7 without taking a break. It also has a big place in our daily lives. It’s been in games ever since the first video game and Siri or Google’s many applications have created a plethora of Artificial Intelligence programmes.

These programmes that make our lives so much easier have also taken a lot from us. Firstly, they are doing the jobs of many people at a much more efficient rate and for free so many work areas are in the hands of these robots. Additionally, if these machines are used for unethical purposes such as war, there may be a heavy price to pay.

Modern Robot and artificial intelligence.

Now let’s talk about the future of AI. It can definitely be called one of the biggest projects in technology’s history and it has many possibilities ahead, although my views on the future aren’t so bright. I am more inclined to think like Stephen Hawking than Mark Zuckerburg when it comes to this subject. In some way, they will turn into lethal weapons. When armies start using robots in the place of humans everything will get bloodier but I would like to justify my claim with a situation that has already happened

“Facebook’s Artificial Intelligence Robots Shut Down After They Start Talking To Each Other In Their Own Language” (

If AI is smart enough to create their own languages, in the future they’ll find out how to fix themselves, code themselves or even create themselves. In a situation like this humans will become obsolete. This could lead to chaos because according to the robots, we could be worthless.

Maybe the future will be brighter, we cannot know this now. Maybe I’m just reading too many books, but this mustn’t be forgotten: When Jules Verne wrote: “From the Earth to the Moon” not one rocket or space shuttle existed. Right now while I think of these things, the artificially intelligent robot Sophia, became a citizen of Saudi Arabia.

This is Uzay Koldemir’s first article for 9 Magazine. Their main interests are reading, baking cakes and researching artificial intelligence.

Translated by Christopher Douglas Deniz Jones

Edited by Nur Güzeldere


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