Dessert is certainly one of the foods which people can’t keep away from. There are fine desserts as well as low quality ones since now dessert can be found anywhere. In this article we will give you the recipe of a dessert which can be baked easily: Blueberry crumble.



– 100 gr flour

– 150 gr sugar

– 100 gr butter

– A dessert spoon spoon of cinnamon



-900 gr blueberry

– A table spoon of wheat starch

– 3 table spoons of sugar

– A tea spoon of cinnamon





-Mix flour, sugar, butter and cinnamon by hand.

– Shape it as a crumbled dough.



-Put the blueberries in a bowl.

-Add sugar, starch and cinnamon and mix them by a spoon.

-Fill the baking dish with the blueberry mixture.

-Put the crumbled dough on it.

-Bake it in the 175 degreed oven for 40 minutes.

-You can serve it with creme or ice cream.


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